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What is The Bigest Issues For The Top of Business?

Pandu – To get the best talent in the world, do you know what they asked for? It’s not high pay. High quality of life. Jadi makanya soal perubahan iklim, udara, ini top of mind, for the best entrepreneur, the best professional

The biggest issue for the top of businesses is getting the best global talent and how you can recruit them if you don’t have supporting infrastructure.

What we’re investing today will impact us five years from ten years and for our children twenty-thirty for years from now, karena, we’re essentially developing this Indonesia for them, not just for us.

Saya kasih contoh Toba (TBS), kita bukan hanya buka buat serve Indonesia market. Kita sekarang mulai investasi ke perusahaan luar negeri yang memegang teknologi untuk membuat lebih murah renewable energy.

Walaupun pangsa pasar kita besar sekali Indonesia. Kita selalu tekankan pangsa pasar Indonesia besar, don’t forget di teknologi kita harus masih banyak harus belajar dari negara-negara lain.

So if you have an opportunity to invest in a leading company there, invest aja dulu.
Why? For knowledge, you only invest for knowledge. Dari situ kita belajar kita terapin ke sini. Whatever you do, try to be beneficial not just to you tapi the people surrounding you. Whatever it is that you do.

Saya kasih tips bisnis: One of the largest opportunities today is actually in the renewable, green financing, green business. Ini akan ada banyak sekali opportunity yang akan ada dan banyak sekali uang investor yang akan lari ke sana.

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