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The Islamic Capital Market Performance

The Islamic Capital Market Performance

Pandu -The Islamic Capital Market in Indonesia shows great performance in recent years especially in 2020, since the Indonesian Islamic Capital Market has been recognized as the best in the world by receiving the Best Islamic Capital Market award 2019 and 2020 from GIFA AWARDS.

Alhamdulilah, it also can be proved by the increasing of inclusion and literacy of Indonesian people, regarding the Islamic Capital Market. The average growth of syariah investor has grown by 65% per year for the last 5 years.

For the information, the MUI has issued a fatwa regarding Islamic shares. All syariah stocks in the Islamic Capital Market have fulfilled the fatwa and passed the selection criteria for Islamic stocks.

Therefore, I think people no longer need to be afraid to start investing in Shariah stocks.

Since our country is the largest Muslim country in the world, the government is seriously promoting the sharia economy. And I think we absolutely have the potential to become a country with the largest Shariah economy in the World.

” the Indonesian Islamic Capital Market has been recognized as the best in the world”

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