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Stanford Asian Economic Forum

Pandu Sjahrir
Published: Januari 18, 2023
My old friends from Stanford at Stanford Asian Economic Forum.

Last weekend I attended the biggest event Stanford held after the pandemic, Stanford Asian Economic Forum. I met my old friends from Stanford, such as Forrest Li, Founder of Sea Group, and classmates.

There were many other amazing speakers at this Stanford Asian Economic Forum, such as Minister for Foreigner Affairs of Singapore Vivian Balakrishnan, Founder of Ajaib Investasi Anderson Sumarli, CEO of RuangGuru Belva Devara, also my colleagues in AC Ventures Helen Wong.

Speakers from Stanford Asian Economic Forum

At Stanford Asian Economic Forum, I also had the opportunity to meet the Dean of Stanford Business School, Jonathan Levin, and the Dean of Stanford Doerr Sustainability School, Arun Majumdar.

In the meeting at the event, I conveyed Indonesia’s ambition to achieve a Net Zero Carbon state and an Energy Transition.

There are 3 big themes that we raise about Net Zero Carbon and Energy Transition : First, how technology can make energy use more efficient from the output side.

Second, managing externalities, such as the carbon credit market. Finally, how is the application through the electric vehicle market where Indonesia has ambitions to develop electric vehicles, both motorbikes, and cars.

With my senior bro Anindya Bakrie, I shared Indonesia’s experience in hosting the G20 and B20 in 2022 yesterday, and this year Indonesia will also host the 2023 ASEAN summit, which friends enthusiastically welcomed.

Hopefully, Indonesia can also host the Stanford Summit in 2024!

My friends at Stanford Asian Economic Forum.
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