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Learn To Always Give The Best In Everything

PanduThese days my time was filled with online meetings. From meeting with my team to invitations to represent my company or to share my view and experiences.

I’m grateful to be at this point in my life and I couldn’t do it without support from my family. Being around a family who has great works, I feel the pressure that challenges me to follow them. I want to do my best in whatever field I’m in.

I acknowledge my privilege but one thing that needs to be underlined is that without hard work, everything will just make us stuck in one place. I keep telling myself how to use my privilege to give an impact on my family, community, and environment.

To work better than yesterday is something that I always push myself to do. I also share the spirit with my co-workers. Work it all out as if today were your last day.

Keep going and keep up the good work!


“I acknowledge my privilege but one thing that needs to be underlined is that without hard work, everything will just make us stuck in one place.”

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