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A Significant Role of Fintech in Indonesia

Fintech has a significat role in Indonesia

Pandu – One of the challenges faced by people outside Java is the low access to financial services, especially banking service. At the Indonesian Fintech Association’s @fintechid event with @indonesiastockexchange, I said that financial technology has a significant role in helping people to gain access to financial services with a wider scope.

The growth of fintech industry is expected to continue to increase in line with the acceleration of digitalization and public financial literacy. If we look at it globally, currently the growth of fintech is really significant. In Indonesia, fintech services are increasingly helping the micro sector such as MSMEs to continue to grow.

Therefore, it would be really good if the growth of fintech is supported both from regulations and infrastructure, in order to be able to encourage greater economic potential in Indonesia.

This definitely requires deeper collaboration from the side of regulators and actors in this fintech service. At the end of the day, our hope is that the wheels of the economy continues to accelerate so that it affects the society growth.

“In Indonesia, fintech services are increasingly helping the micro sector”
