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Electric Vehicle Ecosystem Discussion at Fortune Indonesia Summit 2022

Pandu Sjahrir discusses the electric vehicle ecosystem at the Fortune Indonesia Summit 2022

Pandu – On many occasions, I always said that my current focus right now is on digitalization and energy transition. at Fortune Indonesian Summit  @fortune.idn, I explain how  @tbsenergiutama TBS Energy runs the business practice with ESG principles through our investment that prioritizes the renewable energy and development of the electric vehicle ecosystem in Indonesia on our JV Company, Electrum

I believe in the next few next decades EV sectors will continuously grow and bring changes to environmental sustainability. Furthermore, that will affect the technology development, the opportunity for job openings, and the increasing quality of life by improving the quality of the air we breathe.

Once again, congratulations on successfully hosting this big event @fortune.idn @idntimes @winstonutomo @williamputrautomo Salute to all the teams that have succeeded in bringing inspiring leaders to meet and discuss with young people.

“I always said that my current focus right now is on digitalization and energy transition.”

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