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Discussion with Dr. Sjahrir

Pandu Sjahrir is talking to Dr. Sjahrir

Pandu – Today, I remember all the good moments of discussing with Dad.

This old photo taken in 1997 clearly shows how serious I was listening to Ayah. He always told me to do whatever I was passionate about, whatever it may be. He demonstrated this ethos with his multiple careers as an activist, economist, and businessman until he founded his political party. He did all of them with passion and love.

As a good teacher, Dad always invites me and my sister to discuss with him and asks us to give our thoughts about him. I could say that things, the two-way communication that was built made us have a good relationship with each other. I learned many things from Dad and hope to do the same with my daughter.

Today is his birthday. Happy birthday, Ayah! We miss you and we love you always!

“I learned many things from Dad and hope to do the same with my daughter.”

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