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Advancement in Tech Startups

pandu Sjahrir BEI IDX

Pandu – When I stepped into the Indonesia Stock Exchange building today, I remembered my late father and his opinion on the progress of the capital market in Indonesia. I never forget his words that a national company shall be listed on the exchange. He hoped domestic companies will be powerful and shock-resistant. His spirit and thought ultimately motivated me to carry out the mandate as a member of the Indonesia Stock Exchange’s (IDX) Board of Commissioners. Potential investors’ behavioral changes and business developments in the future era will be one of my focuses for the next three years.

Thank you for putting the trust in me to be one of the Indonesia Stock Exchange’s Board of Commissioners for the next term of office in 2020-2023.

Hopefully, this will encourage many tech startups in Indonesia to go public. By owning stupendous tech companies, I hope the Indonesian youth will also be more interested in investing in the capital market.

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